
Fashion Jewelry

  Welcome to Designer Fasion Jewelry, a site set up to review the work of our favorite fashion jewelry designers. Unfortunately, most fashion jewelry available these days is mass produced displaying little in the way of originality of design, attention to detail or craftsmanship (craftspersonship!). Here we like to review some of the designers we see bucking that trend and producing great qualtiy orgiginal fashion jewelry.
Fashion Jewellery is a very lucrative business. You may think it surprising, that in these recession hit times expensive fashion jewellery is increasing in popularity. But, it seems that like minded consumers want to buy something that is well worth their money and that will last for years and years to come. Consumers want products that are timeless, well made and will last in quality and that is exactly what fashion jewellery designers now offer.  The price for fashion jewellery is always garunteed to be high but is also garunteed to be worth the price.
Most fashion jewellery designers these days tend to work in silver or platinum, as they are the most popular materials with consumers.
IIGL is one fashion jewelry designer with a passion for handmade jewelry.  You can browse the website:www.iigl.com to look through the fashion jewelry.

